Student Registration

Welcome to the Williamsport Area School District! We can’t wait to meet you and have your child(ren) join our school community. Registering is easy. Just follow the instructions below.

District Boundaries   Transportation

Children 5 years of age on or before Sept. 1 of the current year may be registered for kindergarten.

If you have a computer and internet access at home, you can complete the registration online and set up an appointment to complete the registration in as little as 15 minutes at the District Service Center (DSC). Please remember to bring all supporting documentation (see below) to the appointment to ensure registration can be completed.

If you do not have a device at home, you can schedule an appointment to come to the DSC and use a computer to complete the registration. Please call 570-327-5500, ext. 40001, Monday-Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to set up the appointment with Registrar Susan Estes. If no one answers, please leave a message and someone will call you back.

Students will be assigned to a school according to their home residence, consistent with our Assignment Within District Policy.  

Appointment Requirements

Location: District Service Center, 2780 West Fourth Street, Williamsport, PA

  • Your child does not need to attend the appointment.
  • When you come to your appointment please do not forget the following documents:
    • Child's birth certificate
    • Parent/guardian photo ID (driver’s license)
    • Immunization information to date
    • Physical and dental exam (if available, but must be on file by the first day of school)
    • Proof of Residency: Public assistance or social security issued within the past 30 days showing physical address of residence. Any other documentation within the past 30 days deemed relevant by the school district indicating the physical address of residence (e.g. current utility bill, current credit card or current vehicle registration).

If you have any questions about the enrollment process please call Registrar Susan Estes at 570-327-5500, ext. 40001, or email

Registration Portal