Parents & Students

Developing responsible citizens through excellence in education

We’re more than just a mission statement

Williamsport Area School District partners with you to help your children grow and develop into contributing members of the community.

Education is so much more than time in a classroom, reading and studying — learning is something that we experience daily throughout our lives in many ways and forms.

By presenting children with a variety of learning opportunities, experiences, and career options, we allow your child to flourish and not only learn about contributing to our community, but the world at large.

  • A solid foundation of state approved core curriculum
  • Career exploration beginning at the primary level
  • Arts and music provide alternative learning skills and culture
  • Technical/skills courses
  • Penn College NOW program
  • Athletics programs beginning at the middle school
  • Clubs and organizations ranging from academic to community service, athletics to skills, and so much more

The district provides many tools to assist in keeping the lines of communication open, to keep you informed, and to provide help and support when you or your child needs it.


Other notifications and services the district can assist you and your child with include:


Can’t find what you need here, or need more information?
Please check out your student’s individual school webpages for specialized information, see the staff and faculty directory.

You are limited only by your imagination and expectations

Expect great things of yourself, work hard and imagine accomplishing your goals, and you will. Your success is at the heart of why and what Williamsport Area School District does. We invest in you so that you can dedicate yourself to achieving your dreams.

No matter what your aptitude, interests, skills, abilities and talents (developing or yet unknown!), your school's teachers and staff, courses, and opportunities exist to support and help you find your path to a successful career.