School Dental Program

School Dental Program

The Williamsport Area School District and River Valley Health & Dental Center have partnered to develop a school dental program. River Valley Health & Dental provides on-site dental care to students in grades K – 12.

Services include:

  • Dental Exams
  • Dental X-rays (Cavity Detection X-rays)
  • Instructions for Oral Hygiene, Brushing, Flossing, and Diet
  • Fluoride Varnish Treatments
  • Prophylaxis (Dental Cleanings)
  • Preventative Treatments (Sealants) 
  • Restorative Treatments (Dental Fillings)

If you are interested in having your child participate in the school dental program, please complete the attached paperwork and return it to your child’s school.

This program is not for students who receive care from their family dentist. Please do not complete the school dental forms if your child has a family dentist.

Note: Pennsylvania Department of Health requires dental exams for students upon original entry (kindergarten or first grade), third and seventh grade.

A student receives dental care in the dentist office.