Supplemental Fundraising
Every day we make choices, and there are simple choices we can make that directly affect our school. The following are supplemental fundraising opportunities in which you can participate. Additional information about these opportunities will be sent home with your student(s) throughout the year.
Box Tops for Education
Help us turn your food purchases into free money for our school. Clip Box Tops from your favorite products such as Cheerios, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Ziplock, Kleenex, Hefty and more! Clip and save UPC labels and caps from participating Labels for Education products like Campbell’s Soups, Pepperidge Farm and V8. The Box Tops for Education program has expanded to include many new corporate sponsors. Visit to register for the program. When shopping online at places like JC Penney, Oriental Traders and Land’s End, a percentage of your purchase will be automatically sent to Curtin if you access these vendors through the Box Tops for Education Marketplace.
GIANT A+ School Rewards
Shop at any GIANT store using your Bonus Card, and help us earn money for our school. Re-designation is required each year for all Bonus Card holders. Curtin's School ID is 00649.