Lycoming Valley Renovation Project

The Project

As part of our district-wide feasibility plan, our school board approved plans for a comprehensive school construction project to improve and upgrade Lycoming Valley Intermediate School.

Construction will begin in the spring of 2023 with a projected completion in December 2024. The Lycoming Valley Intermediate School project will involve the renovation of classrooms, upgrading of facilities (i.e. HVAC systems, etc.) and the construction of a new secure entry office vestibule.

The project also includes the construction of baseball and softball fields with artificial turf, dugouts and concession stands, which will serve as the primary fields used by our district's baseball and softball teams. 

We believe that this project will have a significant impact on our students' education and provide them with a safe and conducive environment for learning. 

Refer back to this page as the project progresses for updates. 

Cost: $27,871,222 (building renovations + athletic fields)

Building Contractors: Lobar, Inc. (general construction); Weather Proofing Technologies, Inc. (roof); Midline Mechanical, LLC (HVAC); Myco Mechanical, Inc. (plumbing); and Turnkey Electric (electric) 

Projected Timeline: Spring 2023-December 2024

LVIS Aerial Shot (April 2023)


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* The photos at the link above follow the progression of the renovation project from the start of the project through June 10, 2024.