Attendance Procedures & Excuses
Regular and consistent school attendance is an important habit to establish in children and is also crucial to your child’s learning and succeeding academically. Here, you'll find WASD's modified guidelines regarding attendance for the 2024-2025 school year.
Attendance Procedures
- If your child is absent for any reason, including with COVID-19 symptoms, please notify the school’s attendance secretary by sending a note or email.
- All absences require a written excuse by a parent or guardian within three (3) days of a child's return to school. Absences will remain unlawful until an excuse is received. Excuses can be sent with your child, faxed or submitted via email to the email address at the bottom of this page.
- Excused absences may include: illness, quarantine, death in the immediate family, medical or dental appointments, required court attendance, and unavoidable family emergencies.
- Unexcused absences may include: oversleeping, car issues, missing bus, hunting or shopping.
- All absences from school beyond ten (10) total days may require a doctor's excuse.
- Students with three or more unexcused absences will be referred to the school social worker to develop a School Attendance Success Plan.
- Planned absences may be excused by completing the educational trip form at least one week PRIOR to the trip. All educational trips must be approved in advance by the school’s principal. Approval of a maximum of five (5) days will be at the discretion of the principal based on attendance and grades.

Sending Excuse Notes
Please email your child's excuse to the appropriate school attendance secretary by clicking on the school name below:
Excused Absences for Educational Trips
The district recognizes that Educational Trips can enhance and enrich the learning opportunities provided in our schools. The policy statement and accompanying administrative procedures related to educational trips are included in the application available below. Please review the policy and procedures, complete the information and submit the application to the building principal at least one week before your educational trip.