Continuity of Education

Update: April 9, 2020 — 12:23 p.m. 

On Friday, March 13, 2020, Gov. Tom Wolf closed all schools in the Commonwealth, and on April 9, he closed all schools until the end of the academic year.

WASD district administration is working diligently to implement and deliver a formalized, equitable, and meaningful at-home learning initiative. During this unprecedented time and the uncertainty of how long this health crisis may persist, we recognize the importance of not only continuing our students’ education but also the district’s primary responsibility to administer it.

What follows is an outline of the district's plan for education at home during this extended closure. The district’s education plan will need the participation of families to work with the district to identify homes that do not have access to technology devices and internet capabilities. Additionally, this type of educational plan will require our families to partner with the school district in emphasizing and requiring “school time” in their homes. It is the intent of the district, where needed, to provide one mobile device per household (please note not per child) that can access online curriculum. These devices are intended for families without accessibility at home.

This posting is a general announcement, and a more detailed plan will be communicated before April 13 with each family from their school and their child’s teacher on how to access online student curriculum, how to navigate resources, how to ask for help, and the expectations of school work to complete.  

Important Details:

  • At-Home Learning Start Date, K-12: Monday, April 13, 2020
  • Delivery: Online curriculum, grades K-12
  • Home Access: Mobile Device and Internet
  • Technology Device Distribution: Will be staggered and start on Monday, April 6, starting with 7-12th Grade, and Wednesday, April 8, for grades K-6 

12th Grade, Seniors — 2020:
Will receive planned course instruction that will allow them to earn final grades and course credits to graduate. Students will be assigned to online core academic courses in English, Math, Science and Social Studies/History, using the online platform Edgenuity.  Electives will be offered as an enrichment option. Passing grades, earned credits before the closure, and earning final course credits are necessary to meet graduation requirements.

WAHS - Grades 9-10-11:
Will receive online courses for enrichment and review that will provide practice for students to extend their prior learning before the closure. Students will be assigned to online core academic courses that will review previously taught content in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies/History, using the online platform Edgenuity. Electives will be offered as an enrichment option.

WAMS - Grades 7 & 8:
Will receive online courses for enrichment and review that will provide practice for students to extend their prior learning before the closure. Students will be assigned to online core academic courses that will review previously taught content in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies/History, using the online platform Edgenuity. Electives will be offered as an enrichment option.

Intermediate Grades 4-5-6: (Curtin and Lycoming Valley Intermediate)
Will receive online enrichment and review to maintain student engagement in learning. Online resources will provide practice for students to become more secure in standards and skills that were previously taught. Classroom teachers will create online assignments within Wonders, GoMath, and Study Island for students to access within their personalized dashboard after signing into the district’s dashboard using their Classlink username and password.

Primary Grades K-1-2-3: (Cochran, Hepburn, Jackson, and Stevens)
Will receive online enrichment and review to maintain student engagement in learning. Online resources will provide practice for students to become more secure in standards and skills that were previously taught. Classroom teachers will create online assignments within Wonders, GoMath, and Study Island for students to access within their personalized dashboard after signing into the district’s dashboard using their Classlink username and password.

Special Education Supports
Our special education staff will work diligently to provide reasonable and appropriate supports to meet the needs of all learners. Students and families will be contacted individually to assess their needs to successfully access this online delivery model.